ISTA is a transmission of the life force, clothed in love and expressing creatively in the world. ISTA is part of a global transformational movement where human consciousness is being opened to its source as love and harmoniously integrating with other sentient kingdoms and dimensions. In particular ISTA works with spirituality and sexuality as two expressions of the life force. Our vision is a world where humans have a peaceful, delightful, shameless, fearless and loving relationship with their own bodies, sexuality, emotions, hearts, minds and spirit.
The vision of ISTA is to expand consciousness and sexuality across the globe. We are a movement that brings a knowledge base and provides resources to everyone, especially practitioners and guides to enhance their skillsets in all aspects of life mastery. We do this in the form of bringing festivals, events, and trainings to all regions, tapping into the pulse of each culture thereby becoming the thread, or ribbon of intention, connecting these experts around the world. We do this by working with life force energy, the beginning, middle and end of everything. We as humans connect the spirit from above, through our bodies as conduits, to earth below, and in this embodiment of all that is, can experience the essence of universal love.
As an organism serving transformation we want to develop what works, let go of what doesn't and stay on the evolutionary edge. We also want to propagate the essence of our work dynamically so that it contributes to the global movement. We are not so concerned with protecting our investment of time and energy but making sure that investment is made well, is effective and pays forward through those we come in contact with.
Think of ISTA as a phenomena rather than an organisation, as a watershed where many different traditions separated by culture and secrecy till now, flow together and inform each other for the first time. This explains the energy of wild creativity that is the signature of our trainings and events around the globe. The core of our trainings are transmitted by the circle of Lead facilitators, catalysing the creativity of the wider faculty, supported by the enthusiasm and service of experienced assistants and transmitted to the world by pioneering organisers and community catalysts. Around this life-force transmission tribe grows, leaders awaken and transformational culture reveals itself.
Traditions represented in our faculty cover very diverse Spiritual Sexual and Shamanic traditions from: Hindu Shaivism to Neo Tantra; Trans Himalayan Transmissions and Anthroposophy to Kabbalah, Ayurveda, Yoga and Tantra. We include adepts and founders of multiple mystery schools from Christian, Egyptian, Jewish, Himalayan, Asian, Indigenous, Hindu, and the Deep Earth.
Our influences include: Deep ecology and Shamanism; Social Ecology and Philosophy; Osho, Wicca and Witchery; Christian, Jewish and Sufi Mysticism; Paths of Ascent and Descent, Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine, and Multiple Diverse Traditions of Tantra.
We include: Activists, Authors, Mystics and Muses; Feminists and Masculine Initiators; Dakas, Dakinis and Tantrikas; Wordsmiths, Academics and Practitioners; Therapists and Coaches; Naturopaths and Midwives; Divas and Dancers; Singers, Songwriters, Artists, Poets, Story Tellers, Performers and Musicians; Public speakers, Corporate leaders, Rebels, Activists and Queers; Ritualists and Mythologists; Healers and Womb Awakeners; Psychonaughts, Psychedelic Researchers and Channelers; Psychotherapists, Body workers and Soul Retrievers; Trauma Guides and Shamanic Ministers; Rabbis, Pastors, Priests and Wizards.
We are involved in: Radical Theatre, Expressive Therapy, Shamanic Breathwork, Radical Community Experiments, Radical Life Extension, and most of all, Global Awakening.
We are followers of Gravity and Ecstasy; Practitioners of Polyamory, Celibacy and Monogamy.
We love the holy place where opposites meet and integrate.
We are here to Serve Life.